abdorrahimfiroozi91@gmail.comcover image


Living in : Iran
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Tarbiat Modares University logo
Irrigation EngineeringMaster'sTarbiat Modares University2021-09-27 Iran
Supervisor's name :Dr seyed Majid mirlatifi
Title :
uantification of the effect of irrigation water management on the groundwater level in the Southern area of Urmia lake(a case study the miandoab and mahabad regions
Shahrood University of Technology logo
Irrigation EngineeringBachelor'sShahrood University of Technology2021-09-27 Iran
Supervisor's name :Dr seyed Majid mirlatifi
Title :
Quantification of the effect of irrigation water management on the groundwater level in the Southern area of Urmia lake(a case study the miandoab and mahabad regions

Work Experiences

Technical office expert
at KamandAb
Start : 14-Sep-2019
End : 27-Dec-2020