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Seyedeh Delafruz Hosseini

My major research interest centers around women’s health issues, especially scrutinizing genital and urinary tract infections and vaginal microbiome, which has received little attention in the related literature. In pursuit of my goals, I’ve participated in such various projects as the evaluation of a great diversity of viruses& bacteria in pregnant women to answer the questions raised on how they impact pregnancy and its outcomes. My ambition is to continue bench to bed philosophy to develop unique products that resolve challenges in the Women Health System. I am a member of Iranian Society of Microbiology (ISM), a Laboratory expert, Covid-19 lab technician and research as well as teaching assistant with 3 years of experience. Capable of working both independently and as a member of a team, and highly committed to providing high quality services to the projects which focuses on women health and vaginal microbiota. I am strictly determined, goal-oriented and very excited to fulfill my dreams regarding pushing back the boarders of science in my field of study. To do so, I try to be good at managing time and solving probable problems.
Living in : Iran
Gender : FemaleRace : No Response
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