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Ali Ahmadi-dehnoei

Polymer Engineering student
Living in : Iran
Gender : MaleRace : White
Academic Profile

Contact Information

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Tarbiat Modares University logo
Polymer EngineeringMaster'sTarbiat Modares University2021-12-30 Iran
Supervisor's name :Dr somayeh Ghasemirad
Title :
Improve of adhesion strength of acrylic pressure-sensitive adhesives using polysilsesquioxane/acrylic core-shell nanoparticles

Journal Publications

Publication Title :
Designing of desired nanocomposite pressure-sensitive adhesives through tailoring the structural characteristics of polysilsesquioxane-acrylic core-shell nanoparticlesFirst author
Journal :
International Journal of Adhesion and Adhesives
Link :
Publication Title :
Introducing water-redispersible powderable acrylic adhesives using Persian gumFirst author
Journal :
Industrial Crops and Products
Link :
Publication Title :
Tuning adhesion performance of an acrylic pressure‐sensitive adhesive using polysilsesquioxane‐acrylic core‐shell nanoparticlesFirst author
Journal :
Journal of Applied Polymer Science
Link :
Publication Title :
Effect of drying conditions on adhesion strength of a pressure-sensitive adhesiveSecond author
Journal :
Journal of Adhesion
Link :