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Ali Zamani Babgohari

Ali Zamani Babgohari, is a Researcher in Management Science at the Faculty of Management, University of Tehran, Tehran, Iran. His main research interests focus on uncertain decision-making, supply chain analytics and optimisation. He has published research articles in credible journals such as Simulation Modelling Practice and Theory, International Journal of Sustainable Development & World Ecology, British Food Journal, Environment, Development and Sustainability, etc. His h-index is 4, i-10 index is 3, alongside 70 citations
Living in : Iran
Gender : MaleRace : Middle Eastern
Academic Profile

Contact Information

zamanii74Skype ID
AliZamaniBabgohariApplyChance Link


University of Tehran logo
Operations ManagementMaster'sUniversity of Tehran2021-03-13 Iran
Supervisor's name :Mohammadreza Taghizadeh Yazdi
Title :
A novel discrete-event simulation approach based on network data envelopment analysis with undesirable outputs to measure key performance indicators of the manufacturing process
Valiasr University of Rafsanjan logo
Industrial ManagementBachelor'sValiasr University of Rafsanjan2018-01-25 Iran

Work Experiences

Projects Manager
at Aranuma
I am currently working in this role
Financial Manager
at Etemad Tejarat Kavir
I am currently working in this role
Teaching Assistant
at University of Tehran
I am currently working in this role
Research Assistant
at University of Tehran
I am currently working in this role
Products Expert
at Aranuma
Start : 05-Dec-2020
End : 05-Dec-2021
Teaching Assistant
at Mehr Alborz Institute
Start : 22-Sep-2019
End : 21-Jul-2022
Product Manager
at Aranuma
Start : 06-Dec-2021
End : 19-Mar-2023


Your Presentation Title :
Unveiling the role of digital technologies toward resilient regional development from SMEs entrepreneurs perspective: An uncertain Multi-Layer Decision-Making Framework
Conference Name :EURAM 2023 Annual Conference
United Kingdom
Your Presentation Title :
Unveiling the role of digital technologies toward resilient regional development from SMEs entrepreneurs perspective: An uncertain Multi-Layer Decision-Making Framework
Conference Name :EURAM 2023 Annual Conference
United Kingdom
Your Presentation Title :
Efficiency analysis in steel manufacturing with undesirable outputs
Conference Name :Energy and Sustainable Develop
United Kingdom
Your Presentation Title :
Impact of e-learning on learning based on Bloom's cognitive domain (the case study of employees of the headquarters of the National Gas Company of Iran)
Conference Name :E learning
Your Presentation Title :
Evaluation Industry 4 challenges in manufacturing companies using Fuzzy Best Worst Method
Conference Name :Industrial Management
Your Presentation Title :
Assessing quality of students relationship at University of Rafsanjan
Conference Name :Industrial Managemet

Journal Publications

Publication Title :
Prioritising sustainable supply chain management practices by their impact on multiple interacting barriersSecond author
Journal :
International Journal of Sustainable Development and World Ecology
Link :
Publication Title :
Designing a stochastic multi-objective simulation-based optimization model for sales and operations planning in built-to-order environment with uncertain distant outsourcingCorresponding author
Journal :
Simulation Modelling Practice and Theory
Link :
Publication Title :
Designing a new mathematical model for optimising a multi-product RFID-based closed-loop food supply chain with a green entrepreneurial orientationFourth author
Journal :
British Food Journal
Link :
Publication Title :
Knowledge management capability, entrepreneurial creativity, entrepreneurial intensity and firm performance: the mediating role of ambidexterityThird author
Journal :
British Food Journal
Link :
Publication Title :
Analyzing the key performance indicators of circular supply chains by hybrid fuzzy cognitive mapping and Fuzzy DEMATEL: evidence from healthcare sectorThird author
Journal :
Environment, Development and Sustainability
Link :
Publication Title :
Analysing characteristics of entrepreneurial internationalisation during the economic crisis: Iran's emerging market as a destination for international entrepreneurshipFirst author
Link :
Publication Title :
Towards the analysis of e-CRM practices using an integrated fuzzy approachFirst author
Journal :
International Journal of Electronic Customer Relationship Management
Link :
Publication Title :
Towards the Analysis of Industrial Symbiosis Enablers in Small and Medium Enterprises: A Hesitant Fuzzy ApproachSecond author
Link :
Publication Title :
Prioritising SMEs Internationalisation Practices Considering Their Various Interrelating Barriers: A Sustainability and Resiliency ApproachFirst author
Link :

Research Keywords

Operations Research
Supply chain management
Operations Management
sustainable supply chain
Resielience Supply Chain


First Rank Student in UniversityMaster
INEFIran INEF2020-06-22


Jalil Heydari Dahooie
Hannan Amoozad Mahdiraji
Mohammadreza Taghizadeh Yazdi
Ahmad Jafarnejad Chaghoushi
Mohammadreza Sadeghi Moghadam
Vahid Jafari-Sadeghi
Seyed Mojtaba Sajadi
Mahnaz Hosseinzadeh
Mansour Momeni