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Amene Raouf-Rahmati

Immunologist, Parasitologist
Living in : Iran
Gender : FemaleRace : No Response
Academic Profile

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Mashhad University of Medical Sciences logo
Medical ParasitologyMaster'sMashhad University of Medical Sciences2020-07-04 Iran
Title :
Local and systemic gene expression levels of IL-10, IL-17 and TGF-β in active ocular toxoplasmosis in humans
Islamic Azad University Mashhad logo
MicrobiologyBachelor'sIslamic Azad University Mashhad2017-01-18 Iran

Journal Publications

Publication Title :
Comparing spatio‐temporal distribution of the most common human parasitic infections in Iran over two periods 2007 to 2012 and 2013 to 2018: A systematic quantitative literature reviewSecond author
Journal :
International Journal of Health Planning and Management
Link :
Publication Title :
World-wide prevalence of Anisakis larvae in fish and its relationship to human allergic anisakiasis: a systematic reviewFirst author
Journal :
Parasitology Research
Link :
Publication Title :
Epidemiological Status of Cutaneous Leishmaniasis in Mashhad, Northeastern Iran, During 2015-2019Third author
Link :
Publication Title :
Local and systemic gene expression levels of IL-10, IL-17 and TGF-β in active ocular toxoplasmosis in humansFirst author
Journal :
Link :
Publication Title :
Spatio-temporal epidemiology of the tuberculosis incidence rate in Iran 2008 to 2018Second author
Journal :
BMC Public Health
Link :
Publication Title :
Evaluation of zoonotic platyhelminthe infections identified in slaughtered livestock in Iran, 2015–2019Corresponding author
Journal :
BMC Veterinary Research
Link :
Publication Title :
Spatio-temporal visualisation of cutaneous leishmaniasis in an endemic, urban area in IranCorresponding author
Link :
Publication Title :
Geographical patterns and mechanisms of Cimex lectularius Linnaeus, 1758, and Cimex hemipterus Fabricius, 1803 (Hemiptera: Cimicidae) resistance to insecticides: a systematic review and meta-analysisSecond author
Link :
Publication Title :
Spatial epidemiology of COVID-19 infection through the first outbreak in the city of Mashhad, IranFourth author
Link :
Publication Title :
Anisakis allergy: unjustified social alarm versus healthy diet; commentary to the “Letter to the Editor” of Drs Daschner, Levsen, Cipriani, and del Hoyo, referencing to “World-wide prevalence of Anisakis larvae in fish and its relationship to human allergic anisakiasis: a systematic reviewFirst author
Journal :
Parasitology Research
Link :
Publication Title :
Toxoplasmosis Frequency Rate in Rheumatoid Arthritis Patients in Northeastern IranCorresponding author
Journal :
Iranian Journal of Parasitology
Link :