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Amin Ghahri

My name is Amin and I'm 28 years old. I have a bachelor's degree in petroleum engineering. I'm interesting to continue my study in data science and I'm looking for scholarship
Living in : Iran
Gender : MaleRace : Middle Eastern
Academic Profile

Contact Information

AminGhahriApplyChance Link


Islamic Azad University Tehran Science & Research Branch logo
Petroleum EngineeringBachelor'sIslamic Azad University Tehran Science & Research Branch2019-12-03 Iran

Work Experiences

Check-in staff
at Saman Air Services(IKA)
Start : 30-Jun-2020
End : 30-Jun-2021
Load Control Officer
at Saman Air Services(IKA)
Start : 31-Jul-2021
End : 29-Mar-2023