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Arman Ahmadi

As petroleum reservoirs engineer graduated from petroleum university and then started cooperation as wire line logging engineer with China National Logging Corporation (CNLC ),also after released from CNLC company, started cooperation with MI-services kish as Drilling solid control and waste management engineer and fortunately I working on this company with different & new methods of solid control and waste management engineering. Start with MAPNA Drilling Company as Consultant Supervisor from NOVEMBER 2017 also cooperation
Living in : Iran
Gender : MaleRace : Middle Eastern
Academic Profile

Contact Information

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Islamic Azad University E Campus logo
Petroleum EngineeringMaster'sIslamic Azad University E Campus2023-06-12 Iran
Title :
Influence of oil-water ratio on the wear of Cr13 casing lubricated with drilling fluid

Work Experiences

Drilling waste management
at TDDC Company
I am currently working in this role
wireline logging Engineer
Start : 30-Sep-2011
End : 30-Sep-2012