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Evaluation of Biological, Clinical, Psychological and Social Response to and Adherence in Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (with or without Metacognitive Techniques) in Patients with Chronic Insomnia
Two years after the beginning of the COVID-19: comparing families with or without COVID-19 patients on health beliefs and obsessive-compulsive symptomsFirst author
The efficacy of metacognitive therapy on metacognitive beliefs, metaworry and the signs and symptoms of patients with generalized anxiety disorderFirst author
The efficacy of metacognitive therapy on metacognitive beliefs, metaworry and the signs and symptoms of patients with generalized anxiety disorderFirst author
Compatibility between biological and psychological hyperarousal in response to cognitive behavior therapy (with or without metacognitive techniques) in patients with chronic insomnia disorder: A multiple baselines single caseFirst author
Efficacy of cognitive behavioral therapy with or without metacognitive techniques on sleep efficiency and perceived social support in people with chronic insomnia disorderFirst author
Effectiveness of meta-cognitive therapy on cognitive attentional syndrome and cognitive emotion regulation strategies of patients suffering from Generalized Anxiety Disorder (GAD)First author
Efcacy of cognitive behavioral therapy with or without metacognitive techniques and Zolpidem 10 mg. for people with chronic insomnia disorderFirst author
Comparing the Effects of Cognitve-behavioral Therapy and Zolpidem 10 mg on Illness Percepton and Sleep Efciency in Individuals With Chronic InsomniaFirst author
Comparing individuals with Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD) and Panic Disorder (PD), with Nonclinical Population on Obsessive Beliefs and COVID-19 Stress Two Years after the Beginning of the PandemicFirst author
Comparing efficacy of cognitive behavioral therapy with or without metacognitive techniques and Zolpidem 10 mg. on dysfunctional cognitions & metacognitions in people with chronic insomnia disorder: a multiple baseline single caseFirst author