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Dina Maleki

Academic Profile

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Guilan University of Medical Sciences logo
Dental Surgeon Master'sGuilan University of Medical Sciences2020-10-03 Iran

Work Experiences

at Bagheri Dental Office
I am currently working in this role
at Motevaseli Dental Office
I am currently working in this role
at Maleki Dental Office
I am currently working in this role
at Khoshkbijar Dental Office
I am currently working in this role
at Maxillofacial Surgery
I am currently working in this role
at Research Center
I am currently working in this role
Special Patients' Dentist
at Specialized Clinic
Start : 31-Dec-2020
End : 31-Dec-2022

English Scores

Reading :
Speaking :
Listening :
Writing :


Your Presentation Title :
The Effects of Different Sterilization Methods on the Diamond and Cutting-Edge of Dental Burs
Conference Name :North Dent
Your Presentation Title :
Assessment of Dental Student'Knowledge of Tooth Wear: Diagnosis, Prevalence and Treatment: A Randomized Questionnaire-based Cross-sectional Study
Conference Name :EXIDA 58

Journal Publications

Publication Title :
The Effect of Preheating of Composite Resin on Its Color Stability after Immersion in Tea and Coffee Solutions: An In-vitro StudyFirst author
Link :
Publication Title :
Dentin hypersensitivity and its treatments: a literature reviewFirst author
Link :
Publication Title :
Composite Preheating: A Review ArticleFirst author
Link :
Publication Title :
Evaluation of effect of low-dose methotrexate on osseointegration of implants: a biomechanical study on dogsCorresponding author
Link :
Publication Title :
Comparison of Oral Chlorhexidine with Green Tea Mouthwash in Treatment of Patients with Chronic Generalized Periodontitis: A Double-Blind Controlled Randomized Clinical TrialFirst author
Link :
Publication Title :
Effective tooth brushing technique to manage periodontal diseases in orthodontic patients: a double-blind randomized controlled trialFirst author
Link :
Publication Title :
Is Low-Level Laser Therapy Effective for Complications of Mandibular Third Molar Surgery? A Literature ReviewFirst author
Link :
Publication Title :
Prevalence of C-Shaped Canals in Anterior and Posterior Teeth of Iranian Population Using Cone Beam Computed TomographyFirst author
Link :
Publication Title :
The prevalence of malocclusion and dental caries in 11-to 14-year-old children in Roudsar, IranFirst author
Link :
Publication Title :
Knowledge and Practice of Dental Students in Guilan University about Halitosis: A Randomized Questionnaire-Based Cross-Sectional StudyFirst author
Link :
Publication Title :
COVID-19 and orthodontic emergencies: a narrative reviewFirst author
Link :
Publication Title :
Correlation of gingival phenotype and schneiderian membrane thickness: A cross-sectional studyFirst author
Link :
Publication Title :
Low-level laser and management of common complications after the mandibular third molar surgery: A double-blind randomized clinical trialFirst author
Link :
Publication Title :
The Effects of Different Sterilization Methods on the Uniformity of Diamond Dental Burs and Changes in the Cutting Edge Carbide BursFirst author
Link :
Publication Title :
Screw loosening of original and non-original abutments in implant dentistry: an in vitro studyFirst author
Link :
Publication Title :
Effects of Diode Low-Level Laser Therapy of 810 Nm on Pulpal Anesthesia of Maxillary Premolars: A Double-Blind Randomized Clinical TrialFirst author
Link :
Publication Title :
A review of advantages and disadvantages of different intraoral and extraoral autogenic osseous grafts in the reconstruction of bony defectsFirst author
Link :
Publication Title :
Composite preheatingFirst author
Link :
Publication Title :
Assessment of Dental Student'Knowledge of Tooth Wear: Diagnosis, Prevalence and Treatment: A Randomized Questionnaire-based Cross-sectional StudyFirst author
Link :
Publication Title :
Dental caries and plaque accumulation in patients undergoing removable orthodontic treatment: an epidemiologic studyFirst author
Link :
Publication Title :
Evaluation of Palatal Bone Thickness and Its Relationship with Palatal Vault Depth for Mini-Implant Insertion Using Cone Beam Computed Tomography ImagesFirst author
Link :
Publication Title :
The Adaptation Of Stainless-Steel Crowns With Primary Molar Of An Iranian PopulationFirst author
Link :
Publication Title :
Xerostomia in Schizophrenia and Bipolar Patients: Is There Any Relation?First author
Link :
Publication Title :
Expression of BMP-4 in dentigerous cyst and ameloblastoma: Is it a differentiation measure?First author
Link :
Publication Title :
Effect of adjunctive low level laser therapy on gingival graft: A Review of the LiteratureFirst author
Link :
Publication Title :
The Evaluation of The Etiology and Risk Factors Associated with Anterior Teeth Crown Fracture in North of IranFirst author
Link :
Publication Title :
The Radiographic Evaluation of Root Canal Morphology in Mandibular Premolars of an Iranian PopulationFirst author
Link :
Publication Title :
Is Low-Level Laser Therapy Effective for Complications of Mandibular Third Molar Surgery? A Literature ReviewFirst author
Link :
Publication Title :
Knowledge of dental students regarding hepatitis B, hepatitis C and HIVFirst author
Link :
Publication Title :
Dentin Hypersensitivity and Its TreatmentsFirst author
Link :
Publication Title :
Comparison of intra oral manifestations of pregnant and non-pregnant women: an observational case-control studyFirst author
Link :
Publication Title :
Pain Be-fore, During and After Single-Visit Root Canal Therapy and Associated FactorsFirst author
Link :
Publication Title :
The Accuracy and Consistency of Orthodontic Cephalometric Analyses with the Cephninja® Program Compared to the Traditional MethodFirst author
Link :


First Rank Student in UniversityMaster
Top ResearcherStudent section2021-12-31