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Ehsan Direkvandi

Living in : Iran
Gender : MaleRace : Middle Eastern
Academic Profile

Contact Information

EhsanDirekvandiApplyChance Link


Title :
Investigation the effect of lactate producing and utilizing bacteria and Saccharomyces cerevisiae in high concentrate diet on in vitro rumen fermentation parameters and performance, digestibility, rumen fermentation parameters, microbial population and blood metabolites in fattening lambs
Tarbiat Modares University logo
Animal ScienceMaster'sTarbiat Modares University2013-09-23 Iran
Title :
Effect of feeding frequency on feeding behavior, nutrient digestibility and blood metabolites in the horse
University of Agriculture and Natural Resources Ramin logo
Animal ScienceBachelor'sUniversity of Agriculture and Natural Resources Ramin2011-06-11 Iran

Journal Publications

Publication Title :
Effect of dietary Conocarpus erectus leaves and branches on milk yield, quality, antioxidant activity and fatty acid profile, and blood parameters of Najdi dairy goatsFourth author
Journal :
Translational Animal Science
Link :
Publication Title :
The effect of three levels of concentrate and grain processing on feeding behavior, nutrient digestibility, blood metabolites and fecal pH of Turkmen horsesFourth author
Journal :
Journal of Equine Veterinary Science
Link :
Publication Title :
Lactobacillus plantarum as feed additive to improvement in vitro ruminal biofermentation and digestibility of some tropical tree leavesFirst author
Journal :
Journal of Applied Microbiology
Link :
Publication Title :
Effect of replacing alfalfa hay with Leucaena leucocephala (L. Leucocephala) leaves on in vitro gas production, digestibility and in situ degradability in buffaloThird author
Journal :
Acta Scientiarum - Animal Sciences
Link :
Publication Title :
The Positive Impact of Increasing Feeding Frequency on Feed Intake, Nutrient Digestibility, and Blood Metabolites of Turkmen HorsesFirst author
Journal :
Journal of Equine Veterinary Science
Link :
Publication Title :
Influence of three microbial feed additives of Megasphaera elsdenii, Saccharomyces cerevisiae and Lactobacillus sp. on ruminal methane and carbon dioxide production, and biofermentation kineticsFirst author
Journal :
Journal of Applied Microbiology
Link :
Publication Title :
Effect of microbial feed additives on growth performance, microbial protein synthesis and rumen microbial population in growing lambsFirst author
Journal :
Translational Animal Science
Link :
Publication Title :
Effect of sulfuric acid and molasses on the chemical composition, ruminal fermentation, and digestibility of silage of Conocarpus erectus L. tree leaves and branchesFirst author
Journal :
Agroforestry Systems
Link :
Publication Title :
Ensiling of Conocarpus erectus tree leaves with molasses, exogenous enzyme and Lactobacillus plantarum impacts on ruminal sheep biogases production and fermentationSecond author
Journal :
Agroforestry Systems
Link :
Publication Title :
Oral administration of lactate producing bacteria alone or combined with Saccharomyces cerevisiae and Megasphaera elsdenii on performance of fattening lambsFirst author
Journal :
Journal of Applied Animal Research
Link :
Publication Title :
Fecal volatile fatty acids and blood metabolites in the Turkmen horse associated with type and source of cereal grainsFirst author
Journal :
Journal of Applied Animal Research
Link :
Publication Title :
Effects of feeding frequency on nutrient digestibility and feeding behavior in the Turkmen horseFirst author
Journal :
Journal of Agricultural Science and Technology
Link :


Tahereh Mohammadabadi
Morteza Chaji
AZM Salem