Ac-Score is a Number Between 150-850 Representing Your Entire Academic Activities. This Number Not Only Gives You a Vision of Your Strengths and Weaknesses in Your Academic Background but Also Helps You Compare Yourself with Other Competitors in This Domain.
Evaluation of the root causes for entering a train to an occupied block while departing from the station: an application of the Fuzzy Fault Tree analysis
Conference Name :6th National Congress on Civil
Your Presentation Title :
Evaluation of Life Threatening Consequences of Fire in Passenger Coaches: An Integrated Fault Tree/Event Tree Analysis
Conference Name :7th International Conference o
Your Presentation Title :
Development of a model for the risk assessment of railway transportation of hazardous materials
Conference Name :12nd International Conference
Your Presentation Title :
Quantitative evaluation of the root causes for train derailment in Iranian Railways using the fuzzy fault tree analysis
Conference Name :The International Conference o
Your Presentation Title :
Risk assessment of axle counter failure
Conference Name :1st National Conference on Roa
Your Presentation Title :
Risk Assessment of Train Collision with External Objects on the Maintenance Depot Path using Fault Tree Analysis
Conference Name :2nd International Conference o
Your Presentation Title :
A Sensitivity Analysis on Higgins's Train Scheduling Model
Conference Name :2nd International Conference o
Journal Publications
Publication Title :
Forward and reverse flows pricing decisions for two competing supply chains with common collection centers in an intuitionistic fuzzy environmentFirst author
A flexible programming approach based on intuitionistic fuzzy optimization and geometric programming for solving multi-objective nonlinear programming problemsFirst author
Application of fuzzy fault tree analysis for evaluation of railway safety risks: an evaluation of root causes for passenger train derailmentFirst author
Journal :
Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part F: Journal of Rail and Rapid Transit