Hadis Shokranehcover image
Hadis Shokranehavatar

Hadis Shokraneh

Bachelor of Law, Master of International Business Law, 25 years
Living in : Iran
Gender : FemaleRace : White
Academic Profile

Contact Information

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Islamic Azad University Najafabad logo
International Trade LawMaster'sIslamic Azad University Najafabad2020-12-21 Iran

Work Experiences

Legal advice/foreign trad
at Self employed
I am currently working in this role

Journal Publications

Publication Title :
Dissertation on the legal analysis of the impact of the spread of the corona virus on the attraction of foreign investment / an analysis of the Swedish court's decision regarding the Iranian woman's dowry / the author of the book Effects of breach of contract after covid-19 in foreign investment and oil and gas contracts and domestic and international commercial contracts International/First author
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