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Hamidreza Yazdani

Dear Prof. I am a Postdoctoral applicant of Mechanical Engineering. I had studied my M.Sc. and B.Sc. at the department of aerospace engineering at Sharif University of Technology and PhD degree in Mechanical Engineering, Conversion energy at Yazd University, Iran. The Subject of my PhD thesis was “Active Control of Vertical Axis Wind Turbine with Plasma Actuator” and I defended my Ph.D. thesis in 2019. In addition, I have always been a top ranked student, especially in my graduate levels. I worked as a manager of turbomachinery design for two years and after that, I turned to renewable energies. Due to I was R&D director, I managed projects of renewable energies and in a short time I was introduced as a top researcher in the 8th Conference on Efficient, Clean and Renewable Energy. Apart from my PhD thesis that was in the field of active control of Large-Scale vertical axis wind turbine with an innovative approach for the first time (Power enhancement with Plasma actuator), I have professional experience in the field of renewable energy such as solar energy and biogas. Many thanks for your valuable time and consideration. I enthusiastically look forward to hearing from you. Best Regards, H.R.Yazdani
Living in : Iran
Gender : MaleRace : No Response
Academic Profile

Contact Information

applychance.com/user-profile/HamidrezaYazdaniSkype ID
HamidrezaYazdaniApplyChance Link


Yazd University logo
Energy ConvertionPhDYazd University2019-03-03 Iran
Sharif University of Technology logo
Aerospace EngineeringMaster'sSharif University of Technology2009-01-02 Iran
Sharif University of Technology logo
Aerospace EngineeringBachelor'sSharif University of Technology2006-09-20 Iran

Work Experiences

Project management
at Yazd Ghadir Industrial Tu
I am currently working in this role
Research and development
at Zanbagh power plant
Start : 21-Jun-2015
End : 22-Oct-2019


Your Presentation Title :
Power Improvement of A Large Scale Vertical-Axis Wind Turbine with Using Plasma Actuators
Conference Name :18th Fluid Dyanamics Conferenc
Your Presentation Title :
3D Simulation of The Effects of the Plasma Actuator on The Un-steady, Turbulent and Developing Flow Within a Circular Duct
Conference Name :ISME
Your Presentation Title :
Using TOPSIS Algorithm to Install Photovoltaic Power Plants
Conference Name :Conference on Solar Energy
Your Presentation Title :
Studies of Construction of Solar Power Plant With Capacity of 10MW in Yazd
Conference Name :Conference on Solar Energy
Your Presentation Title :
Studies of Construction of Solar Power Plant With Capacity of 5MWin Yazd
Conference Name :Conference on Clean Energy
Your Presentation Title :
Selection of the Best Potential of Harnessing Solar Radiation in Yazd With Using TOPSIS Algorithm
Conference Name :Conference on Clean Energy
Your Presentation Title :
Choose A Suitable Location Among The Proposed Options Using TOPSIS Algorithm For Yazd
Conference Name :Solar Energy on Renewable
Your Presentation Title :
Simulation And Solving the Flow Field of Plasma Actuator With OpenFoam2016
Conference Name :Mechanical Engineering (ISME)
Your Presentation Title :
Modeling of Plasma Actuator With OpenFOAM
Conference Name :Iranian Aerospace
Your Presentation Title :
Feasibility Studies of Construction of Solar Power Plant in Yazd2015
Conference Name :Renewable, Clean and Efficient
Your Presentation Title :
Analytical Solution of Flow Between Oblique Shock and Expansion Waves
Conference Name :Tarbiat Modares University

Journal Publications

Publication Title :
Power Improvement of a commercial large scale vertical axis wind Turbine using Plasma Actutors First author
Journal :
Amirkabir (Journal of Science and Technology)
Link :
Publication Title :
3D simulation of the effects of Plasma actuator with radial arrangement of electrodes First author
Journal :
Numerical Heat Transfer, Part B: Fundamentals
Link :
Publication Title :
3D Simulation of the Effects of the Plasma Actuator on The Unsteady, Turbulent and Developing Flow Within a Circular DuctFirst author
Journal :
International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer
Link :


Top ResearcherTop Researcher2014-12-31
Third RankedThird Ranked2009-01-02
7 th Ranked Entrance Exam2009-01-02


Mohammad Sefid
Kaveh Ghorbanian