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Hossein Akbari

I'm Information Technology engineer and graduated in master's degree in IT management (Advanced information systems). I have researched about machine learning and fraud detecting in telecommunication networks. i'm 40 years old and single. I have worked in ICT for 15 years. I have worked about communications regulation, type approval, infrastructure and optical networks. I have worked in MVNO operators. I know about knowledge management, strategic management and etc.
Living in : Iran
Gender : MaleRace : Middle Eastern
Academic Profile

Contact Information

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Islamic Azad University E Campus logo
Information SystemsMaster'sIslamic Azad University E Campus2020-09-20 Iran
Title :
Fraud Detection in Telecommunication Networks using Machine Learning Algorithms

Work Experiences

Network supervisor
at TIC of Iran
I am currently working in this role
at CRA of Iran
Start : 31-Oct-2008
End : 20-Dec-2019