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Mehdi Shakeri

I’m 35 years old. Live in Tehran. Interest in marketing, health literacy and digital marketing. I graduate master of art in media management of faculty of communication sciences in Allame tabatabaee university. I’m working in public relations office of shahid beheshti university of medical sciences.
Living in : Iran
Gender : MaleRace : Another race category
Academic Profile

Contact Information

00989107606771Skype ID
MehdiShakeriApplyChance Link


Allameh Tabatabai University logo
Media And InformationMaster'sAllameh Tabatabai University2022-09-19 Iran
Supervisor's name :Dr. Zarrin Zardar
Title :
Risk information seeking and processing behavior of patients discharged from Covid-19 wards of public hospitals in Iran

Work Experiences

Content manager
at Medical university
I am currently working in this role