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Mohammad Reza Mohammadi

Medical Microbioligist
Living in : Iran
Gender : MaleRace : No Response
Academic Profile

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Tarbiat Modares University logo
Microbiology & ImmunologyMaster'sTarbiat Modares University2023-07-11 Iran

English Scores


Journal Publications

Publication Title :
Anticancer, antineurodegenerative, antimicrobial, and antidiabetic activities of carvacrol: Recent advances and limitations for effective formulationsFourth author
Link :
Publication Title :
An overview of some potential immunotherapeutic options against COVID-19Third author
Journal :
International Immunopharmacology
Link :
Publication Title :
Particularly neglected in countries with other challenges: High Toxoplasma gondii seroprevalence in pregnant women in Kabul, Afghanistan, while a low proportion know about the parasiteCorresponding author
Journal :
Link :
Publication Title :
Comparative molecular epidemiology, subtype distribution, and zoonotic potential of Blastocystis sp. in Equus animals (horses, donkeys, and mules) in northwestern IranFirst author
Journal :
Comparative Immunology, Microbiology and Infectious Diseases
Link :