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Mona Rouhifard

My name is Mona Rouhifard and live in Iran. I am 37 years old. I am a master's in Health services management and now, I am a P.h.D student and working on roles and functions of future hospitals. I am working in health development department in Azad University and have 13 years of experience working in hospitals and health centers.
Living in : Iran
Gender : FemaleRace : Middle Eastern
Academic Profile

Contact Information

live:..cid.4eccdbfe87ac425Skype ID
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Islamic Azad University Tehran North logo
Health,Safety And Environmental ManagementMaster'sIslamic Azad University Tehran North2015-08-17 Iran
Supervisor's name :Dr. khalil Alimohammadzade
Title :
Study of factors contributing to medication errorsin the Amiralmomenin Hospital

Work Experiences

Health education expert
at Azad university
I am currently working in this role