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Motahare Pourjafari

Landscape Architect
Living in : Iran
Gender : FemaleRace : Middle Eastern
Academic Profile

Contact Information

MotaharePourjafariApplyChance Link


Tarbiat Modares University logo
Landscape ArchitectureMaster'sTarbiat Modares University2018-07-31 Iran
Supervisor's name :Mehdi haghighatbin
Title :
Revitalisation of brownfields with the help of collective memory
University of Guilan logo
Architectural EngineeringBachelor'sUniversity of Guilan2015-06-30 Iran
Supervisor's name :Abbas tarkashvand
Title :
Cinema complex design

Work Experiences

at Notion office
I am currently working in this role
Landscape architecture
at Narvan design and develop
Start : 30-Nov-2017
End : 31-Mar-2022