I am Sajjad Ahangar, and I have completed my B.Sc. in Mechanical Engineering at Islamic Azad University Central Tehran Branch (IAUCTB), Tehran, Iran. I am eager to advance my studies to achieve a PhD in Mechanical Engineering.
I am not strict on whether to apply for a direct PhD program or an M.Sc. program at the beginning and then pursue my studies. I care about the research I do and selecting my future affiliation.
I believe this policy brought my wonderful experience at TaarLab, and that's why my first paper achieved 12 citations and further research. Also, my following paper would be impressive. I have searched about you and believe working with you is the best opportunity for me. Besides, I am an outstanding applicant because I have great experience in Robotics. Moreover, I proved that I could learn new concepts and accomplish desired tasks; like what I did at the TaarLab, where I was just an interested student in robotics at the beginning, but I accomplished it with an IEEE paper, a redundant delta robot, and more participations in its research projects.
I have designed and manufactured a redundant delta parallel robot as my final project at the university and published a paper about it.( Video: https://taarlab.com/robots-0017/#1 & Paper: https://scholar.google.com/citations?view_op=view_citation&hl=en&user=twDdngIAAAAJ&citation_for_view=twDdngIAAAAJ:u5HHmVD_uO8C ).
Recently, I have designed an economical end-effector for an Iranian Barista Robot prototype, which can handle various cup sizes by changing its two Plexi-lasered parts (Tavan Ressan company has not shared it with the public yet). Moreover, at Tavan Ressan Co. and in a shared project with my former lab (TaarLab), I designed a device mounted on a delta robot's end-effector to automate pipette filling, and two papers are in progress. (My professor's post about this project https://www.linkedin.com/posts/mehdi-tale-masouleh-874a477_robot-robotics-activity-7102930848454201344-EKk6?utm_source=share&utm_medium=member_desktop). We sent one of them to The 11th RSI International Conference on Robotics and Mechatronics (ICRoM 2023), and the other will be sent to a related Journal.
I achieved 102 on the TOEFL exam and a 3.527 GPA in my bachelor's (based on Scholaro.com),
Ac-Score is a Number Between 150-850 Representing Your Entire Academic Activities. This Number Not Only Gives You a Vision of Your Strengths and Weaknesses in Your Academic Background but Also Helps You Compare Yourself with Other Competitors in This Domain.