Ac-Score is a Number Between 150-850 Representing Your Entire Academic Activities. This Number Not Only Gives You a Vision of Your Strengths and Weaknesses in Your Academic Background but Also Helps You Compare Yourself with Other Competitors in This Domain.
Prediction of quality of life based on social capital and Psychological resilience in Afghan immigrants
Conference Name :social capital and resilience
Your Presentation Title :
Examining the role of expert reference and stable minority on the conformity of people with high moral intelligence in the situation of prejudice towards Afghan immigrants
Conference Name :human sciences and management
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Investigating the relationship between spiritual intelligence, conscientiousness and experience among the employees of the Army Ground Forces Telecommunication Training Center
Conference Name :Cognitive educational psycholo
Journal Publications
Publication Title :
Determining the role of patience and moral intelligence Original Research in predicting action control (action and state orientation) of mothers of children with autism spectrum disorderFirst author