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Soheyla Ghorbani

My interest and intellectual abilities are mainly around mathematical modeling, optimization and programming that require concentration besides analytical and holistic view. However, my career have geneally been consisting of assessing systems in terms of quality and excellence models in petroleum industry, through which I learned to maintain a systematic approach toward issues as well as train analytical and teamwork skills. At the same time as working, I persued my studies in a master's program, and that was when I became interested in supply chain management, transportation, logistics, and industrial symbiosis. I was an ambitious and hard-working student in both bachelor's and master's courses but due to some personal problems, I had to take academic leave for several semesters during the master's program. That period, although harsh, provided me with the skill of seeking for solution under pressure. Being a self-motivated and fast-learner, I became competent in the English language in two years all on my own.
Living in : Iran
Gender : FemaleRace : Middle Eastern
Academic Profile

Contact Information

SoheylaGhorbaniApplyChance Link


Islamic Azad University Qazvin logo
Industrial EngineeringMaster'sIslamic Azad University Qazvin2019-08-28 Iran
Supervisor's name :Dr. Behrouz Afshar-Nadjafi
Title :
Modeling and Solving the Cross-docking Centers Location and Vehicle Scheduling Problem in a Multi-product Supply Chain with Discrete Pick-up and Delivery
Alzahra University (Azzahra University) logo
Industrial EngineeringBachelor'sAlzahra University (Azzahra University)2011-12-26 Iran

Work Experiences

Excellence Award Assessor
at Oil and gas industry
I am currently working in this role
Internal Head Auditor
at Oil and gas industry
I am currently working in this role


Your Presentation Title :
Minimizing Total Weighted Late Work in Resource Constrained Project Scheduling Problem Using Genetic Algorithm
Conference Name :Decision Making in Industrial.

Journal Publications

Publication Title :
Modeling and Solving the Cross-docking Centers Location and Vehicle Scheduling Problem in a Multi-product Supply Chain with Discrete Pick-up and DeliveryFirst author
Link :


Behrouz Afshar-Nadjafi
Maghsoud Amiri