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atefe rostami

Having grown up spending most of my time as a child in a family where most of its members were Computer and Electronics engineers or accountants, tied up my life to the computer and numbers. So, as a computer nerd, I began to focus more on new technologies and self-study programs to find my passion in my teens. Eventually, I felt that spark when I went to my father's workplace, a pharmaceutical company. One of his coworkers took me to the R&D and laboratory departments, and that was when the seeds of curiosity towards biology were planted in my head. As a result, I decided to continue my studies in this area. While I was still expanding my knowledge in the field of biology, specific kinds of questions occupied my mind which how this affects our lives and I figured out that, it would not be too great an exaggeration to say that biology holds the key to all solutions required to get rid of the problems faced by the whole world in the field of treatment and prevention. Ever since those days, I have felt to owe at least a small piece of the puzzle to this mysterious science; a science that, despite its continuous thrilling advancements, still has many gaps to be filled. My undergraduate degree in Cellular and Molecular Biology built a profound ground for me to see vividly the significance of the world inside each organism and microorganism. Studying a broad range of biological sciences including Microbiology, Biochemistry, Fundamentals of Genetics Engineering, Cellular and Molecular Biology, Genetics, Bio-Immunology, Fundamentals of Bioinformatics, etc. as well as their respective laboratories and field works enabled me to get the deep concepts and different aspects of this field, which is the initial step to using science practically. By getting to know the field of Bioinformatics, a new door was opened for me, because what field is more suitable for a person interested in computers, molecular biology, and research and development. During my studies, I was the head of the Society of Biology at the University of Zanjan. Holding conferences that were planned by some of the most accredited scientists at the University of Zanjan with my collaboration, to help students keep themselves updated concerning many aspects of ongoing research and make even closer connections to the life of a scientist and what it means to be a researcher. This is why in September 2020 I participated in a national problem-based scientific research contest, related to the National Elite Foundation of Iran called “RahNeshan” in which I was grouped with 4 more students from different areas to challenge my problem-solving skills in a real project. The aim was the commercialization of starch-based nanocomposite hydrogel and we came in second place. This gave me more opportunities to work on my critical reading skills, reflect on the strengths and weaknesses of the research, and also practice my teamwork skills. As the pandemic happened during my studies and we had online education, I decided to stay in touch with the concepts of my major, so I attempted to cooperate with biotechnology-based companies. I worked as a molecular laboratory assistant at the Topazgene Company. This company provides molecular services, including the different types of sequencing of nucleic acids such as DNA and RNA, and the production of nucleic acid extraction kits and corona detection kits. Moreover, my role often requires presenting consultation and project troubleshooting to researchers. Working with proficient colleagues on laboratory techniques, implementing the project on all types of plant and animal samples, and participating in various curriculums, introduced me to an extensive range of topics in the field of molecular biology and bioinformatics. Various courses, such as primer designing for PCR and real-time PCR, sanger sequencing data analysis (utilizing Geneious and online webpages), NGS data analysis (utilizing CLC Genomics Workbench), being familiar with different biological data banks (NCBI, PDB, Motivation letter (1) Atefe Rostami March 2023 KEGG, Ensembl), ribotyping technique and its data analysis, metagenome analysis, DNA and RNA extraction, electrophoresis, and solubilization provided me with a strong footing not only in Molecular Biology but also in Bioinformatics and the fascinating combination they create. In addition, at AmitisGene company, I collected primary data from academic papers and paraphrased short scientific articles in the field of personalized medicine and genetics for content production. Also, Photos and Videos have been designed and published by me for their website. To fulfill that role, I learned how to use photo editing programs (Photoshop, Illustrator, Canva, and…), SEO, and web design by WordPress, Laravel, and Python. During this period, I gained a great deal of experience not only in the fields of work and science but also in personal skills. For example, I remember there were times when I was working not only at Topazgene Company but also the first semester of the university exams 2020-2021 and the deadline for submission of the RahNeshan project had arrived. Despite being a very difficult and exhausting time, I enjoyed each moment because my planning skills were significantly enhanced and I was able to achieve acceptable consequences in all these cases as a result, I performed my duties at work properly, and my first semester 2020-2021 grade point average was 17.58 out of 20 and I came in second place in the competition of the RahNeshan. In my view, Molecular Biology is an important part of modern Biology and one of the most extensive areas that can bring a lot of fruitful results. My passion lies in the research on mechanisms of disease or malformation development and ways to prevent them at the very beginning at the molecular level. On top of that, Molecular Biology not only provides me with the satisfaction of my ambition and creativity due to the breadth of data and always having something new to discover, but also because it is a science that the future belongs to. Therefore, it inspired me to improve my knowledge in this area.
Living in : Iran
Gender : FemaleRace : Another race category
Academic Profile

Contact Information

ateferostamiApplyChance Link


Zanjan University logo
Biology, Molecular And CellularBachelor'sZanjan University2022-06-15 Iran

Work Experiences

content producer
at amitisgene
Start : 01-Mar-2019
End : 01-Mar-2020
laboratory assistance
at topazgene company
Start : 01-Mar-2020
End : 01-Mar-2022


abozar ghorbani