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SARA pourfallah

Deliver lectures and lab courses, providing educational support to groups in person and online through discussion forums. Supervisor for MSc. students’ dissertation projects, in addition to executing innovation solutions including web and mobile applications, data visualizations, data analytics platforms, dashboards, and multimedia solutions. Mark exam papers and coursework submissions, providing feedback through the virtual online learning system for MSc work as a software engineer, IT engineer and security engineer in several companies.
Living in : Iran
Gender : FemaleRace : Middle Eastern
Academic Profile

Contact Information

sara.p1364Skype ID
bbff6bcf-50c0-418e-b1f5-37663d41b1c3ApplyChance Link


Khatam University logo
Computer Science And Software Engineering Master'sKhatam University2016-10-13 Iran
Supervisor's name :Dr. Kayvan Navi
Title :
Pop music to traditional Persian music conversion using fuzzy logic
Iran University of Science and Technology logo
Computer and Information ScienceBachelor'sIran University of Science and Technology2009-10-14 Iran
Supervisor's name :Dr.shahriyar Shahhoseini
Title :
Developed an intrusion detection algorithm for AMI systems.

Work Experiences

at University of Science and Culture
I am currently working in this role
Software Engineer
at GL Company
Start : 01-Jan-2004
End : 31-Dec-2006
Software Engineer
at MASA Company
Start : 01-Jan-2006
End : 31-Dec-2008
IT Engineer
at MASA Company
Start : 01-Jan-2008
End : 31-Dec-2009
Security Engineer
at National Railway
Start : 01-Jan-2014
End : 31-Dec-2016
at Ghiaseddin Jamshid Kashani University
Start : 01-Mar-2018
End : 20-Jun-2020
at AL taha university
Start : 02-Sep-2019
End : 29-Jun-2021

Journal Publications

Publication Title :
Intrusion detection algorithm for AMI systems based on SVM and PCAFirst author
Link :

Research Keywords

Computer Science
computer software


First Rank Student in UniversityMaster


Dr.S.H Mirian
Keivan Navi
Michael Wise