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Vahid Sharif

Living in : Iran
Gender : MaleRace : East Asian
Academic Profile

Contact Information

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Shiraz University of Technology logo
PhotonicsMaster'sShiraz University of Technology2019-02-27 Iran
Supervisor's name :Dr. Hassan Pakarzadeh
Title :
Designe fibers to generate and controll orbital angular momentum of light
Valiasr University of Rafsanjan logo
Engineering PhysicsBachelor'sValiasr University of Rafsanjan2016-03-31 Iran

Work Experiences

Mathematics and physics teacher
at Education department of Iran
Start : 12-Jun-2019
End : 12-Jun-2021


Your Presentation Title :
Role of Optical Fluid in Control of Orbital Angular Momentum of Light in Circular Photonic Crystal Fibers
Conference Name :Iranian Conference on Optics and Photonics
Your Presentation Title :
Role of filling factor in photonic crystal fibers for controlling orbital angular momentum of light
Conference Name :Iranian Physics Conference

Journal Publications

Publication Title :
Terahertz Hollow-Core Optical Fibers for Efficient Transmission of Orbital Angular Momentum ModesFirst author
Link :
Publication Title :
Thermally tuned parametric gain in photonic crystal fiber-based amplifiersFourth author
Link :
Publication Title :
Control of orbital angular momentum of light in optofluidic infiltrated circular photonic crystal fibersSecond author
Link :

Research Keywords

orbital angular momentum of light
nonlinear fiber optics
surface plasmon resonance sensors