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iranmehr salimi

I graduated master of animation from one of the best universities of Iran. working at Iran broadcasting and some times as a freelancer Artist. some experineses about documentary directing and if i want to be honest i should say I like to learn more and more.
Living in : Iran
Gender : FemaleRace : White
Academic Profile

Contact Information

iranmehrsalimiApplyChance Link


Tarbiat Modares University logo
Animation and Special EffectsMaster'sTarbiat Modares University2021-09-14 Iran
Supervisor's name :Mohammad Ali Safoora
Title :
The study of interactive narrative elements in Adventure and Role Playing (RPG) geners of video games
Islamic Republic of Iran Broadcasting University logo
Digital Arts And SciencesBachelor'sIslamic Republic of Iran Broadcasting University2018-03-12 Iran
Supervisor's name :Naser Golmohammadi
Title :
it was a short animation for children

Work Experiences

motion graPhic designer
at Iran broadcasting
I am currently working in this role
designer supervisor
at it was a talk show
Start : 11-Jun-2017
End : 13-Oct-2017


First Rank Student in UniversityBachelor