I hold a Doctorate degree in Information Technology Management. Additionally, I have a Master's degree in Information Technology with a specialization in Computer Networking, as well as a Bachelor's degree in Information Technology.
Ac-Score is a Number Between 150-850 Representing Your Entire Academic Activities. This Number Not Only Gives You a Vision of Your Strengths and Weaknesses in Your Academic Background but Also Helps You Compare Yourself with Other Competitors in This Domain.
Supervisor's name :Mahmood Alborzi, Hessam Zandhessami
Title :
Design of efficient hybrid algorithm from genetic-fuzzy energy in hierarchical routing management and distributed clustering in wireless sensor-based IoT
Your Presentation Title :
Improving wireless sensor network lifetime using layering in hierarchical routing
Conference Name :2015 2nd International Confere
Journal Publications
Publication Title :
Energy Efficient Routing-Based Clustering Protocol Using Computational Intelligence Algorithms in Sensor-Based IoT First author