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roghayeh babaei

Academic Profile

Contact Information

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Mazandaran University of Medical Sciences logo
Laboratory SciencesMaster'sMazandaran University of Medical Sciences2016-10-20 Iran
Supervisor's name :maryam moazeni
Title :
Improved yeast delivery of fluconazole with a nanostructured lipid carrier system

Work Experiences

laboratory expert
at university
I am currently working in this role

Journal Publications

Publication Title :
Improved yeast delivery of fluconazole with a nanostructured lipid carrier systemThird author
Journal :
Biomedicine and Pharmacotherapy
Link :
Publication Title :
Improved delivery of voriconazole to Aspergillus fumigatus through solid lipid nanoparticles as an effective carrierSecond author
Journal :
Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects
Link :
Publication Title :
High prevalence of occult hepatitis C virus infection in injection drug users with HIV infectionCorresponding author
Journal :
Archives of Virology, Supplement
Link :
Publication Title :
Molecular diagnosis of occult hepatitis C virus infection in Iranian injection drug usersCorresponding author
Journal :
Archives of Virology, Supplement
Link :
Publication Title :
Paclitaxel and docetaxel resistance in prostate cancer: Molecular mechanisms and possible therapeutic strategiesCorresponding author
Journal :
Biomedicine and Pharmacotherapy
Link :
Publication Title : author
Journal :
BMC Infectious Diseases
Link :
Publication Title :
Screening of Occult Hepatitis B and C Virus Infection in Working Children, Tehran, IranCorresponding author
Journal :
Archives of Pediatric Infectious Diseases
Link :
Publication Title :
SARS-CoV-2 Infection in Iranian People Living with Human Immunodeficiency Virus-1 InfectionCorresponding author
Journal :
Jundishapur Journal of Microbiology
Link :