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roghayeh ijabi

I have got a master's degree in midwifery with 4 years of work in hospitals and universities with 6 publications in ISI journals and I have 2 innovations in health science I'd like to study reproductive health as my country needs science cause I face problems in my patients but I see the access to health scientist in this filed is difficult
Living in : Iran
Gender : FemaleRace : Middle Eastern
Academic Profile

Contact Information

roghayehijabiApplyChance Link


Golestan University of Medical Sciences logo
MidwiferyMaster'sGolestan University of Medical Sciences2017-11-19 Iran

Work Experiences

at Arash hospital
Start : 15-Oct-2013
End : 19-Jun-2017

English Scores

Reading :
Speaking :
Listening :
Writing :

Journal Publications

Publication Title :
Role of S100 and YKL40 on Intraventricular Cerebral Hemorrhages in the Preterm Infant and the Neuroprotective Role of miR-138- siRNAs-HIF-1a and miR-21-siRNAs-HVCN1 in Neonatal Mice with Nerve InjuryFirst author
Journal :
Current Medicinal Chemistry
Link :
Publication Title :
Tumor Targeting via siRNA-COG3 to Suppress Tumor Progression in Mice and Inhibit Cancer Metastasis and Angiogenesis in Ovarian Cancer Cell Lines.First author
Journal :
MicroRNA (Shariqah, United Arab Emirates)
Link :
Publication Title :
SKA2 gene–A novel biomarker for latent anxiety and preterm birth predictionFirst author
Link :
Publication Title :
The Correlation of SKA2 with Cortisol, IL-1β and Anxiety in Pregnant Women with the Risk of Preterm DeliveryFirst author
Link :
Publication Title :
The Shift of HbF to HbA under Influence of SKA2 Gene; A Possible Link between Cortisol and Hematopoietic Maturation in Term and Preterm NewbornsFirst author
Link :
Publication Title :
Association of GRP78, HIF-1α and BAG3 expression with the severity of chronic lymphocytic leukemiaFirst author
Link :


Khwarizmi 42006-10-23


Prof. Dr. Najmeh Tehranian
Dr. Adeleh Asemi