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shadi karimi

Academic Profile

Contact Information

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University of Tehran logo
Applied ChemistryMaster'sUniversity of Tehran2023-01-19 Iran
Title :
Production of biodiesel from Neem seed-derived oil by electrochemical processes using homogeneous and heterogeneous acid catalysts.
University of Kashan logo
Applied ChemistryBachelor'sUniversity of Kashan2020-09-18 Iran

Work Experiences

teacher assistance
at University of Tehran
Start : 19-Jan-2021
End : 19-May-2021

Journal Publications

Publication Title :
Biodiesel production from Azadirachta India-derived oil by electrolysis technique: Process optimization using response surface methodology (RSM)First author
Journal :
Fuel Processing Technology
Link :
Publication Title :
Application of nano hydrophobic sulfated mordenite as a novel catalyst for biodiesel production from neem seed-derived oil by electrochemical methodFirst author
Journal :
Energy Conversion and Management
Link :
Publication Title :
Converting neem seed -derived oil into biodiesel using zeolite ZSM - 5 as an efficient catalyst via electrosynthesis procedure: Optimization of operating variable s using response surface methodology (RSM)First author
Journal :
Process Safety and Environmental Protection
Link :