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Faramarz Farzad

A passionate and experienced research coordinator with solid knowledge, analytical thinking, and laboratory skills with more than fifteen years of experience in topics such as Immunology and Immunogenetics, Molecular Biology and Cloning, Immunohistochemistry, Gene Expression Profiling, Transcriptomics, Bioinformatics, Cell Biology, Cancer & Inflammation, DNA Recombination, Gene Knockdown, DNA & RNA Sequencing & genomics techniques, Cell Isolation, and Cell Culture with strong theoretical and practical background.
Living in : Iran
Gender : MaleRace : Middle Eastern
Academic Profile

Contact Information

FaramarzFarzadApplyChance Link


Mazandaran University of Medical Sciences logo
ImmunologyMaster'sMazandaran University of Medical Sciences2014-02-14 Iran
Mashhad University of Medical Sciences logo
Laboratory SciencesBachelor'sMashhad University of Medical Sciences2005-05-13 Iran

Work Experiences

Research Analyst
at Ghaem hospital
I am currently working in this role
Laboratory manager
at Sina Laboratory
Start : 31-Aug-2007
End : 29-Sep-2012
Laboratory Technologist
at Taleghani Pediatric Hospi
Start : 31-Oct-2005
End : 30-Jul-2013
Research Assistant
at Ghaem hospital
Start : 30-Jun-2013
End : 30-May-2014
Laboratory supervisor
at Rouyesh Laboratory
Start : 31-Jan-2014
End : 30-Jan-2015
Immunology Lecturer
at Varastegan Institute
Start : 31-Jan-2019
End : 30-Jul-2019
Laboratory manager
at Ghaem hospital
Start : 30-Sep-2018
End : 31-Aug-2019
Clinical laboratory utili
at Ghaem hospital
Start : 30-Jun-2013
End : 31-May-2022
at Saarland University
Start : 31-May-2022
End : 29-Dec-2022

English Scores

Reading :
Speaking :
Listening :
Writing :

Journal Publications

Publication Title :
Increasing Levels of Macrophage Migration Inhibitory Factor (MIF) in COVID-19 Infection and Its Pathophysiological Role; Though a Defined Cut-off Value Might Be Clinically MisleadingFirst author
Journal :
Archives of Clinical Infectious Diseases
Link :
Publication Title :
Comparison of Serum Total IgA Levels in Severe and Mild COVID-19 Patients and Control Group. Journal of clinical immunology.Corresponding author
Journal :
Journal of Clinical Immunology
Link :
Publication Title :
Prognostic Value of Serum MICA Levels as a Marker of Severity in COVID-19 Patients. Immunological investigations.First author
Journal :
Immunological Investigations
Link :
Publication Title :
Total antioxidant capacity as a marker of severity of COVID-19 infection: Possible prognostic and therapeutic clinical application. Journal of medical virology.Fourth author
Journal :
Journal of Medical Virology
Link :
Publication Title :
HLA-G5 and G7 Isoforms in Pregnant Women.Second author
Journal :
Iranian Journal of Allergy, Asthma and Immunology
Link :
Publication Title :
Association of HLA-G Null Allele Polymorphism in Women with Threatened Abortion in Comparison with Control.Corresponding author
Link :
Publication Title :
Caspase 9 Promoter Polymorphisms in Gastric Cancer, Mazandaran ProvinceCorresponding author
Link :
Publication Title :
The Role of HLA-G4 and G5 in Threatened-Abortion WomenFirst author
Link :