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Hamed Kowsari

Medical physician Rsearcher
Living in : Iran
Gender : MaleRace : Middle Eastern
Academic Profile

Contact Information

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Kashan University of Medical Sciences logo
Medical DoctorDirect PhD (No Bachelor, No Master) Kashan University of Medical Sciences2023-06-10 Iran

Journal Publications

Publication Title :
Resveratrol in Cancer Treatment with a Focus on Breast cancerFirst author
Journal :
Current Molecular Pharmacology
Link :
Publication Title :
Development and validation of a prognostic model to predict clinical deterioration in hospitalized patients with COVID-19Fourth author
Link :
Publication Title :
Autophagy and gastrointestinal cancers: the behind the scenes role of long non-coding RNAs in initiation, progression, and treatment resistanceCorresponding author
Journal :
Cancer Gene Therapy
Link :
Publication Title :
Joint application of biochemical markers and imaging techniques in the accurate and early detection of glioblastomaCorresponding author
Journal :
Pathology Research and Practice
Link :