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Hesamodin Allahyari

Hesamodin Allahyari was born in Tehran, Iran, in 1994. He received the B.Sc. degree in electrical engineering from Shahid Beheshti University, Tehran, Iran, in 2017 and the M.Sc. degree in electrical engineering from the K.N. Toosi University of Technology, Tehran, Iran, in 2020. He is now with the high voltage power electronics laboratory at K.N. Toosi University of Technology. His research interests include dc-dc, power converters, resonant converters, and pulse power supplies.
Living in : Iran
Gender : MaleRace : Middle Eastern
Academic Profile

Contact Information

HesamodinAllahyariApplyChance Link


K. N. Toosi University of Technology logo
Electric Power Systems EngineeringMaster'sK. N. Toosi University of Technology2020-02-09 Iran
Supervisor's name :Ali Asghar Razi-Kazemi
Title :
Design and simulation of a pulsated generator based on solid state switches in medical applications
Shahid Beheshti University logo
Electric Power Systems EngineeringBachelor'sShahid Beheshti University2016-10-30 Iran
Supervisor's name :Hossein Kazemi Karegar
Title :
Design and implementation of an over current relay based on AVR microcontroller

Work Experiences

Electrical Engineer
at Maroun Mechanic
I am currently working in this role
Research Assistant
Start : 31-Aug-2020
End : 31-Jul-2021


Your Presentation Title :
Reliability analysis and failure mode effects of a modular multilevel pulse generator
Conference Name :2022 13th Power Electronics, D
Your Presentation Title :
A Solid-State Pulse Power Generator Employed Magnet Switch for Dielectric Barrier Discharge Applications Based on Resonance Charging Concept
Conference Name :2022 IEEE Industry Application
Your Presentation Title :
A Robust Hysteresis-Feedforward Control Approach with High Flexibility for a Single-Inductor Multi-Port DC-DC Converter
Conference Name :2022 30th International Confer
Your Presentation Title :
Planar Transformer with None Overlapping Winding as Current Balancing Compensator for Paralleled SiC MOSFETs
Conference Name :2022 30th International Confer
Your Presentation Title :
An Interleaved High Step-Up Dual-Input Single-Output DC-DC Converter for Electric Vehicles
Conference Name :2022 13th Power Electronics, D
Your Presentation Title :
A high-gain bipolar pulse power generator employed bidirectional switch for dielectric barrier discharge applications based on resonance charging technique
Conference Name :2021 IEEE Industry Application

Journal Publications

Publication Title :
A self-driven synchronous rectification ZCS PWM two-switch forward converter with minimum number of componentsSecond author
Journal :
IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics
Link :
Publication Title :
A Single-Inductor Multi-Input Multilevel High Step-Up DC–DC Converter Based on Switched-Diode-Capacitor Cells for PV ApplicationsThird author
Journal :
IEEE Journal of Emerging and Selected Topics in Power Electronics
Link :
Publication Title :
A passive compensator for imbalances in current sharing of parallel‐SiC MOSFETs based on planar transformerSecond author
Journal :
IET Power Electronics
Link :
Publication Title :
A self‐driven synchronous rectification wide‐range ZVS single‐switch forward converter controlled using the variable inductanceSecond author
Journal :
IET Power Electronics
Link :
Publication Title :
An improved wide ZVS soft‐switching range PWM bidirectional forward converter for low power applications with simple control circuitSecond author
Journal :
IET Power Electronics
Link :
Publication Title :
A Solid-State Bipolar Pulse Power Generator for Dielectric Barrier Discharge ApplicationsSecond author
Journal :
IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications
Link :
Publication Title :
An Improved Single Switch Wide Range ZVS Forward Converter Controlled with Variable Magnetizing InductanceFirst author
Journal :
IEEE Journal of Emerging and Selected Topics in Power Electronics
Link :

Research Keywords

DC/DC converter
Power electronics
Pulsed Power
Planar Transformer


Best Paper AwarPEDSTC Conf.2022-01-31


Ali Asghar Razi-Kazemi
Hamid Bahrami
Ebrahim Afjei