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Iman Ramezani Mahmoudieh

Master's degree in Agricultural Entomology (2012 – 2014) Agricultural technical expert pistachio and pomegranate orchard expert for ten years Cucumber and rose greenhouse expert for one year thesis title Biology and efficiency of Hippodamia variegata (Goeze) ladybug by feeding on the green pomegranate aphid Aphis punicae in vitro Experience in vermi compost production My Date of Birth: 1987 May 7
Living in : Iran
Gender : MaleRace : Middle Eastern
Academic Profile

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Valiasr University of Rafsanjan logo
EntomologyMaster'sValiasr University of Rafsanjan2015-03-10 Iran
Supervisor's name :Mohammad Amin Samih
Title :
Biology and efficiency of Hippodamia variegata (Goeze) ladybug by feeding on the green pomegranate aphid Aphis punicae in vitro

Work Experiences

Technical expert
at Bahar agro-industry
I am currently working in this role
Technical expert
at Bonyd tosee Rafsanjan
Start : 22-Sep-2013
End : 20-Dec-2015