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Razieh Bandari

Living in : Iran
Gender : FemaleRace : White
Academic Profile

Contact Information

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Title :
Desinging and psychometric evaluation of tool loneliness for the older adults

Work Experiences

Assistant Professor in Nu
at Semnan university medical
I am currently working in this role

Journal Publications

Publication Title :
Cultural adoption, and validation of the Persian version of the coronary artery disease education questionnaire (CADE-Q): a second-order confirmatory factor analysisSecond author
Journal :
BMC Cardiovascular Disorders
Link :
Publication Title :
Psychometric properties of the Persian version of Instrument of Professional Attitude for Student Nurses (IPASN)Second author
Journal :
Nursing Open
Link :
Publication Title :
Development and psychometric evaluation of the loneliness inventory for older adults (Lonely): A mixed-methods studyFirst author
Journal :
Nursing Open
Link :
Publication Title :
Psychometric assessment of the Persian version of short clinical scale to measure chemotherapy-induced nausea and vomiting: the MASCC antiemetic toolFourth author
Journal :
Supportive Care in Cancer
Link :
Publication Title :
Psychometric properties of the Persian version of the COVID-19 Phobia Scale (C19P-S)First author
Journal :
BMC psychology
Link :
Publication Title :
The Iranian version of geriatric anxiety inventory (GAI-P): a validation studyFirst author
Journal :
Health and Quality of Life Outcomes
Link :
Publication Title :
The Persian short form Aging Perceptions Questionnaire (APQ-P): A validation studySecond author
Journal :
Health and Quality of Life Outcomes
Link :
Publication Title :
Psychometric characteristics of the Iranian Caregiver Burden Inventory (CBI) in caregivers of elderly patients with AlzheimerCorresponding author
Journal :
Health and Quality of Life Outcomes
Link :
Publication Title :
Development and psychometric evaluation of the healthy lifestyle questionnaire for elderly (heal)First author
Journal :
Health and Quality of Life Outcomes
Link :
Publication Title :
Happiness, quality of working life, and job satisfaction among nurses working in emergency departments in IranSecond author
Journal :
Health and Quality of Life Outcomes
Link :
Publication Title :
The Journal of Nursing ResearchFirst author
Journal :
Nursing Research
Link :
Publication Title :
Effects of Adding Midazolam and Sufentanil to Intrathecal Bupivacaine on Analgesia Quality and Postoperative Complications in Elective Cesarean SectionThird author
Journal :
Anesthesiology and Pain Medicine
Link :
Publication Title :
Tracheostomy in Patients Who Need Mechanical Ventilation: Early or Late? Surgical or Percutaneous? A Prospective Study in IranCorresponding author
Journal :
Indian Journal of Surgery
Link :


Razieh Bandari