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marya rahmani ghobadi

Maria Rahmani is a doctor of sports physiology and a member of the academic faculty of the university
Living in : Iran
Gender : FemaleRace : East Asian
Academic Profile

Contact Information

maryarahmanighobadiApplyChance Link


Supervisor's name :farhad rahmaninia
Title :
Measurement of hormones related to appetite and eating behavior in sports activity in overweight people

Work Experiences

Member of the academic fa
at damavand university
I am currently working in this role


Your Presentation Title :
The Effect ofPhysical Activity Levels,Dairy Products and Clcium Intakes on Risk Factors of Osteopprosis Prevention in Male Students.
Conference Name :International Conference on Nu

Journal Publications

Publication Title :
The Effect of Eight Weeks of Combined Exercise on Retionol Binding Protein4,Fatty Acid Binding Protein and Lipocalin-2 Type2 Diabetic Women(Clinical TritalFourth author
Journal :
Journal of International Economics
Link :


Athletics champOlympiad MedalistSilverNational