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sepideh balafkandeh

I am Sepideh, I live in Iran, Tehran. I am 31 years old. I have Job Experience in Ecommerce for 7 years.
Living in : Iran
Gender : FemaleRace : East Asian
Academic Profile

Contact Information

sepidehbalafkandehApplyChance Link


Title :
effect of service quality and perceived value on Digikala customer satisfaction with the mediating role of trust in home delivery personnel
Mofid University Qom (Ghom) logo
English TranslationBachelor'sMofid University Qom (Ghom)2013-08-13 Iran

Work Experiences

Category Supervisor
at Digikala
I am currently working in this role
at Agah Company
Start : 10-Jun-2013
End : 10-Jun-2014

Journal Publications

Publication Title :
creativity at workCorresponding author
Journal :
Developmental Cell
Link :